The Perdana Leadership Foundation survives mainly on private contributions. The Foundation estimates it will need RM100 million for its endowment fund to successfully continue the Foundation's programmes and to collect, digitise, develop and disseminate materials on Malaysia’s leadership history and nation-building journey for the benefit of present and future generations.

Ms Maizatul Kartini Kamaruldin
Senior Executive, Perdana Leadership Foundation. No.1, Jalan P8H, Precinct 8, 62250 Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Tel: 03-88858965 / Fax: 03-88891166 Website:
Facebook: perdanaleadershipfoundation Twitter: @plfperdana Instagram: @plfperdana

Perdana Leadership Foundation survives on contributions from companies and individuals. We thank all our sponsors and supporters who have generously contributed to the Foundation. For those who are interested to give financial support to the Foundation, please contact the General Manager at 03-88858965 /

For specific programmes of the Foundation, the following contributors made it all possible: