Name: Maizatul Kartini Kamaruldin
Book: Tun Perak: Pencetus Wawasan Empayar Melaka
Author: Muhd Yusof Ibrahim
Publisher: Tinta Publishers; 1st edition (2009)
Language: Bahasa Melayu
Year: 2009

Book Synopsis:
History states that Tun Perak was one of the influential figures that responsible for shaping the golden age of Malacca. Bendahara Seri Paduka Raja Tun Perak bin Tun Perpatih Sedang or well known as Tun Perak is the fifth Treasurer of the Malacca Malay Sultanate. His fame as Malacca Treasurer rivaled the previous Malacca Treasurers, Tun Ali, and Tun Perpatih Permuka Berjajar. Indeed, during his era, Malacca was a kingdom that was famous for its trading activities and the best trading center.
The book titled, “Tun Perak: Pencetus Wawasan Empayar Melaka”, tells the story of Tun Perak’s journey from his youth until he became an important figure in the Malay Sultanate of Malacca. This book is divided into three different time settings to present the significance of Tun Perak starting with his youth, early leadership, and the era that triggered the vision of the empire.
The book highlighted many important events that occurred during the heyday of the Malacca Malay Sultanate during the era of Tun Perak’s leadership as Malacca Treasurer. Among the events that became an important history of the Malacca Malay Sultanate during the era of Tun Perak’s leadership was the emergence of Hang Tuah and the Hang Jebat rebellion. Besides, the legendary story of Hang Tuah and the five brothers is closely related to the era of Tun Perak’s leadership was also covered in this book.
This book also tells about Tun Perak’s wisdom in carrying out his duties as an adviser to the Sultan of Malacca, and how he succeeded in bringing ideas and progress to the Sultan during his era. As the most senior administrator in the government, Tun Perak is seen as the most important character who determines the direction of the government. The views and suggestions of Tun Perak in his capacity as Treasurer was never disapproved of by the sultan, even in the context of this strength, it can be said that what Tun Perak said was the sultan’s word
In addition, the author also highlighted Tun Perak’s strategy in controlling and shaping international relations making Malacca a prosperous and famous empire, Tun Perak’s relationship with the Malay community, and some stories about Tun Perak’s family.

This book, which is narrated in the form of a novel, has an interesting and easy-to-understand storyline. With its chronological setting, “Tun Perak: Pencetus Wawasan Empayar Melaka” can guide readers to learn more about Tun Perak’s fascinating life starting from his youth before becoming the powerful Bendahara (Treasurer) of Malacca
If you love history books, add this to your list. The narrative style may be novel-like but the author manages to impose a leadership model to explain aspects Tun Perak’s leadership. Everything is clearer in hindsight, of course, but the effort yields value in extracting the wisdom and greatness of Tun Perak’s leadership in the government of Malacca. In my opinion, the model can be a framework for building leadership with integrity.

Tun Perak: “Sepeninggalan hamba, janganlah ada antara tuan hamba yang membuat onar di Melaka ini. Ingatlah, jika kita tidak menjaga keamanan dan kemakmuran negeri kita, siapa lagi yang akan membelanya? Peliharalah maruah diri dan martabat serta kedaulatan negeri. Itulah yang Allahyarham ayahanda kerap ingatkan kepada tuan hamba semua. Bergalah-galah ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian. Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian ” Hijrah ke Kelang, page 54
Tun Perak: “Mahukah tuan-tuan sekalian menjadi hamba kepada penjajah? Adakah tuan-tuan sanggup dan berani menggadaikan nyawa demi mempertahankan tanah tumpah darah kita dari musuh yang sombong itu? … Berjuanglah hingga ke titisan darah terakhir. Jika terkorban nyawa, jasa bakti tuan-tuan yang mempertahankan tanah tumpah darah ini akan sentiasa dikenang dan disebut-sebut oleh anak-anak Melaka kita. Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati hendaklah meninggalkan nama!” Perang Melaka-Siam Pertama, page 62-63
Tun Perak: “Jagalah nama baik Melaka dan Sultan kita semasa anakanda di sana. Bawalah sikap air orang disauk, ranting orang dipatah, adat orang diturut. Dan jangan terus mahu bercacak lembing dan keris sahaja” Perdamaian Dengan Siam, page 136
Tun Perak: “Hamba harap tuan hamba dapat seiring dengan hamba. Yang penting ialah kesejahteraan Sultan dan negeri kita. Kata orang tua-tua, raja boleh hidup dengan tiada negeri, tetapi negeri tidak wujud jika tiada raja” Antara Tuah dan Jebat, page 176

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