Name: Mohammad Faridzuan bin Abd Rahman
Book: Hang Tuah – Catatan Okinawa
Author: Hashim Musa, Rohaidah Kamaruddin
Publisher: Universiti Putra Malaysia
Publication Year: 2015
Book Language: Bahasa Malaysia

Pembongkaran tentang kewujudan Laksamana Hang Tuah semasa kegemilangan Empayar Melaka dihuraikan secara terperinci di dalam buku Hang Tuah: Catatan Okinawa ini. Pembuktian ini adalah hasil daripada kajian pengarang yang dijalankan di Okinawa dengan bantuan Kementerian Pendidikan Jepun. Catatan Empayar Ryukyu (Okinawa) dan penemuan arkeologi membuktikan bahawa Hang Tuah wujud. Hubungan diplomatik antara Empayar Melaka dan Empayar Ryukyu jelas tercatat di dalam Rekidai Hoan – sebuah dokumen sejarah yang diperakui kesahihan oleh para sarjana. Dicatatkan juga bahawa Laksamana Hang Tuah adalah diplomat Empayar Melaka ke India, Turki, dan Patani. Pengaruh dan kekuatannya diperakui pelbagai pihak seantero dunia.

Penerbitan ini tidak semata-mata bersandarkan buku Hikayat Hang Tuah dan sejarah tempatan, sebaliknya berdasarkan catatan sahih Empayar Ryukyu yang kini dikenali sebagai Okinawa.

Hang Tuah; legend or truth?
Written as a historical research, Hang Tuah: Catatan Okinawa dives deep into Malaysia’s history, going all the way to the era of pre-colonial Malacca.

The book explains the scientific method of verifying whether historical figures such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Admiral Zheng He, are real or myth. These figures are not only written about in various verified primary sources, there are artifacts related to them as well. The author utilises the same method, through historical accounts, scrolls, and tomes, to gauge the reality of the legendary Hang Tuah.

Things, however, are not as clear-cut nor as black and white as they seem. The debate on whether Hang Tuah is real or not is one that has been going on for decades. Some scholars and academicians say that Hang Tuah is merely a product of his time; a fabrication by the Malays that is meant to be a symbol of Malay greatness, much like how Superman was to the Americans in the 1940s. Many of the “sources” contradict each other in various aspects such as time period, Hang Tuah’s age, his capabilities, and skills.

On the other side, there exist verified sources that point to Hang Tuah being a real-life historical figure; a commentary written by Alfonso D’ Albuquerque (a conquerer during Hang Tuah’s time), a Ming Shi Dynasty document, a document written by Xin Fei (a personal secretary/ registrar to Admiral Zheng He), and the titular Okinawa document called Rekidai Hoan which was originally written between 1431 and 1518.

But the question still remains. Is Hang Tuah a real-life historical figure, or is he our very own Superman? I personally prefer that it remains a mystery. As Neil Armstrong said, “Mystery creates wonder. And wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.”

  • Mohammad Faridzuan bin Abd Rahman, a Communications & Publications Executive

“Maka Baginda pun memilih anak tuan-tuan yang baik-baik empat puluh banyaknya, dan perwira yang asal-berasal empat puluh banyaknya dan Tun Bija Sura akan penghulunya, itulah yang ternama sembilan orang; Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, Hang Ali, Hang Iskandar, Hang Hassan, Hang Husin, Hang Tuah; orang sembilan itulah tiada boleh bertara, barang lakunya tiada terturut oleh orang lain. Dan akan Hang Tuah itulah yang terlebih cerdik, gagah, berani, daripada yang lain.” – page 32

This book is available at the Perdana Library. If you are interested in reading or borrowing the book, please visit our Library here at Putrajaya, or contact us 03-88858961 (Library Counter).
