Name : Siti Murshidah Binti Mat Riffin
Book : The Leadership Dilemma in Modern Democracy
Author : Kenneth Patrick Ruscio
Comment :
In one of the first attempts to link the expanding field of leadership studies with classic works, Kenneth Ruscio places the study of political leadership squarely within the field of democratic thought and argues that claims about the legitimate duties and responsibilities of leaders depend upon claims about principles of democracy. A theory of democracy based on such an assumption will have different things to say about leadership than one based on the assumption that the common good is an elusive, and unrealistic goal.
The elaborate discussion about leadership and democracy by the author certainly sheds new light on the relationship between the two, and highlights new facets of understanding. This is why I recommend this book as my Staff Pick for December 2018.
– Puan Siti Murshidah Binti Mat Riffin, Assistant Librarian, Digitisation and OCR Unit
Excerpt :
Democracy is not sustainable if good politics is bad leadership – if, that is, the measures of political success are different from the measures of successful leadership. Those who demonstrate extraordinary leadership should reap the political rewards of re-election, endorsement by citizens and the steady accumulation of authority to act in the name of the public good.
This book is available at the Perdana Library. If you are interested in borrowing the book, please contact Puan Magdalena (03-88858968/