Name: Maizatul Kartini Kamaruldin
Book: Enhancing Personal Quality
Author: Ranjit Singh Malhi & Robert W. Reasoner
” This book is extremely useful for anyone desiring to develop positive personal attributes, improve human relations skills, and attain superior work performance. It contains well-researched and practical work which brings new insights into the field of personal quality. Besides theory, it provides practical guidelines and a comprehensive blueprint for the journey to achieve personal excellence. This book is truly a wonderful read for friends of Perdana who aspire to become peak performers.”
– Maizatul Kartini Kamaruldin, Senior Executive, Accounts and Events
“Take pride in everything you do. Your work is a direct reflection of you.”
This book is available at the Perdana Library. If you are interested in reading or borrowing the book, please contact Ms Magdalena (03-88858968/