Name: Noranis binti Mohd Yunus
Book: 30 Rahsia Sukses
Author: Datuk Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
’30 Rahsia Sukses’ is a motivational book written by Malaysia’s first astronaut, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. The book recounts the story and experience of how an orthopaedic surgeon became an astronaut. Appropriate with its title, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar also shared 30 tips on how one can achieve success in whatever profession they pursue. This book has taught me a lot of things; to be confident, to dream big, never give up, and always do my best to achieve my life goals. Finally, this book taught me that it’s okay to fail because it is through failure that we can learn from our mistakes and be better in the future. These are the reasons why I would like to recommend ’30 Rahsia Sukses’ to all friends of Perdana as my Staff Pick.
– Noranis binti Mohd Yunus, Intern
“Motto saya sejak kecil iaitu ‘what the mind believes the body can achieve’ telah diajar oleh ayah kepada kami adik-beradik sejak kecil lagi. Ia membawa maksud sekiranya minda kata boleh, badan mampu melaksanakan misi tersebut walaupun dianggap mustahil.”
This book is available at the Perdana Library. If you are interested in reading or borrowing the book, please contact Ms Magdalena Lampas (03-88858968 /