41 years ago today, Malaysia lost one of its most prominent leaders. Tun Abdul Razak Hussein drew his last breath after several years of battling leukemia. He kept his illness a secret, one that only a handful of people knew about. His strong devotion to the country helped him to continue working with undiminished sacrifice and dedication. The whole nation mourned the loss of its Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, the 2nd Prime Minister of Malaysia, was laid to rest in the Heroes Mausoleum near Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur.
Tun Abdul Razak and his wife Tun Rahah Noah had five sons, the eldest being the country’s current Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Razak.
Ketika aku mengucap
Ina lilallah wa ina ilaihi rajiun
Kau bukan mati perdana
tetapi sekadar istirehat
Dari makrifat sebuah zat
dari perjalanan semalam
yang penuh perjuangan
Siapapun bakal kembali
menghadapi Ilahi
Yang tidak terduga bila serunya
Ketika air mata gugur berderai
kami bukan menangisimu pahlawan
sekadar manifestasi selamat tinggal
menuju ke pengadilan yang maha tunggal
Di Makam Pahlawan kau terbaring sepi
berceritalah tentang perjuangan dan pembangunan
Sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui
Al Fatihah
Sabda S
Kuala Lumpur
15 Januari 1976