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MONOGRAPH PERDANA DISCOURSE SERIES 22: “Envisioning Malaysia’s Future Employment: Trends vs Skills”

Publication Year: 2023

ISBN: 978-967-0821-39-9

Price: RM 25.00

This book contains the proceedings of the 22nd Perdana Discourse Series “Envisioning Malaysia’s Future Employment: Trends Vs Skills” which took place on 25th August 2022. The discourse featured Dato’ Professor Dr Elizabeth Lee, Chief Executive Officer, Sunway Education Group, as keynote  speaker, Dr Soo Wincci, Associate Professor, Conservatory of Music, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), as moderator and panellists Dato’ Ahmad Nadzarudin Abdul Razak, Honorary Treasurer, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF), Ms See Wai Hun, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), JurisTech, Puan Noraliza Mohamad Ali, Senior Deputy Executive Director, Malaysian Bureau of Labour Statistics, Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM).

This discourse is part of the Perdana Discourse Series, organised by Perdana Leadership Foundation. The objectives of the Discourse are to facilitate inter-generational knowledge-sharing and dialogue, as well as to encourage interest in public policy and its impact on nation-building.

The entire Perdana Discourse Series is sponsored by DRB-HICOM Berhad.