Voices & Choices: The Women’s Movement in Singapore

Author: Lisa Kong; Tan Ee Sze
Publisher: Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations and Singapore Baha’i Women’s Committee, 1993
ISBN: 9812044558
Call Number: 305.42 VOI

A comprehensive study of the achievements of Singapore women. From the fight against polygamy in the 50s to the ambivalence felt by working mothers in the 90s, this book cuts right to the core issues, combining hard facts with a sympathetic portrait of the changing needs and status of women in Singapore. The book traces hitherto uncharted territory, the history of the women’s movement in Singapore. The movement’s rite of passage, despite a few hiccups, is a necessary response to the needs of Singapore women under varying social contexts. A prime mover of the women’s movement in the 90s, the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations is a national council committed to the cause of protecting and promoting the rights of Singapore women and propelling the women’s movement into the next millennium.

 For more information on the book, you may go to our Library OPAC here .