THE POLITICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE : International Responses and Malaysia

Author: Sham Sani, Dato’, 1943-
Publisher: LESTARI UKM, 2009
ISBN: 9789675227042
Call Number: 551.69595 SHA


“The Politics of Climate Change: International Responses and Malaysia” by Dato’ Sham Sani explores the global political landscape of climate change, focusing on the roles of various countries and international organizations while highlighting Malaysia’s specific actions and policies. The book discusses major international climate agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, and examines Malaysia’s commitments and strategies in mitigating and adapting to climate change. By analyzing the economic, social, and political challenges and opportunities, Dato’ Sham Sani underscores the importance of international cooperation and robust national policies. Through case studies and examples, the book illustrates successful climate initiatives and best practices, advocating for a cohesive approach to global and local climate solutions.

 For more information on the book, you may go to our Library OPAC here .