Health, Environment, and Economics: Towards a New Human Development Paradigm

Author: Bracho, Frank
Publisher: Better Living Publication, 1992
ISBN: 980-6312-05-8
Call Number: 303.44 BRA


“Health, Environment, and Economics: Towards a New Human Development Paradigm” by Frank Brancho advocates for an integrated approach to human development that balances health, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. The book emphasizes the interdependence of these areas and calls for policies that address them collectively rather than in isolation. Brancho argues for a paradigm shift from traditional economic growth metrics to sustainability indicators, long-term planning, and inclusive policies that consider marginalized populations and future generations. By providing real-world examples and aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the book outlines practical strategies for achieving holistic and sustainable development.

 For more information on the book, you may go to our Library OPAC here .