Forum Tun Razak: New Challenges Facing Rural Development and Poverty Eradication

Author: Nungsari Ahmad Radhi

Publication: Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Tun Razak

Year: 2005

ISBN: 9789834284800


The theme chosen for the Inaugural Forum is one that is identified with the late Tun Razak but it was also chosen because of its relevance. The issues raised by the authors show that despite the progress that we have made, rural development and poverty eradication are still relevant concerns. Time and development may have changed the character of poverty as well as the challenges for rural development, but they have not made them irrelevant. It is my hope that the Yayasan, through the holding of the forum and this publication will contribute towards future government policies on the area. The Tun Razak Forum will hopefully become a regular affair for the Yayasan in the future, along with the publication of the proceedings. Thus, the Tun Razak Forum will not only serve as a platform to discuss issues of national interest but will also play the role of documenting these discussions for posterity.

This book is available at the Perdana Library. If you are interested in reading or borrowing the book, please contact Puan Magdalena (03-88858968 /