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PDS 21: Impediments to Malaysia’s Economic Progress and How to Overcome Them

Malaysia today faces internal and external obstacles in its drive to become a fully developed economy where prosperity is shared by all. What are these impediments and how can they is overcome?

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, Malaysia’s longest-serving Minister of International Trade and Industry (1987 to 2008), and a member of the Economic Action Council, speaks eloquently on the subject at the 21st Perdana Discourse Series, sharing her views on the definition of economic progress, and elaborating on the hurdles standing in its way for Malaysia. She also outlines what she feels is key to Malaysia’s advancement towards becoming a fully developed and truly united nation.

Following Tan Sri Rafidah’s keynote address, panellists Professor Dr Yeah Kim Leng, Director, Economic Studies Programme, Jefrrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia, Sunway University, and Ms Shahnaz Al-Sadat Abdul Mohsein of arise Asia, commented on the key points with added insights based on research and experience.

This publication contains the entire proceeding of the discourse, including the Question and Answer sessions, and is useful supplementary reading for those who are interested in the subject of Malaysia’s economic development.